Our May 2016 Tweetchat moderated by Joshua Hirsch @JoshuaAHirsch, Gregory Nicola @GregoryNNicola, and Robert Barr @rmbxray will discuss MACRA (The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015) and its impact on the field of radiology. Given the impact of the MACRA legislation on all radiologists during this time of transition to value-based models of payment, this is a chat that you won’t want to miss.
Mark you calendars for May 17th at 3 p.m. EST and join Twitter Editor Ryan T. Fitzgerald @ryantfitzgerald for this timely discussion.
Suggested Reading: Sustainable Growth Rate Repealed, MACRA Revealed: Historical Context and Analysis of Recent Changes in Medicare Physician Payment Methodologies by J.A. Hirsch, H.B. Harvey, R.M. Barr, W.D. Donovan, R. Duszak Jr, G.N. Nicola, P.W. Schaefer, and L. Manchikanti. Published online before print November 19, 2015, doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A4522…
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